Sunday, March 2, 2008

No really I swear!

Yes yes Zoey isnt dead. I'm just playng dead. Ha! Take that.
I have been lacking insparation and working on AWG stoof.
That and the ever present reading. I've been neglecting my poor old blog so why dont I go in for a long one eh?

Yes that is right for all you dear teilight readers out there. DONT SAY A THING I'M WAITING FOR ECLIPSE!
I would talk about it more but seeing that Trixi over there is still on Twilight my speech is limeted. ><"
I really will try and post more form Yellowknife.
Oh and on that Subject I'm leaving in Six days! YES SIX DAYS!
Ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Yes I will shut up and leave now I'm probably scaring you all.
* Yes yes I know Chatspeak but it was called for!


Anonymous said...

It's ok. The chatspeak was called for. ;) We forgive you, this is an exception.

P.S. my blog got shut down :( so my new one is:

UPDATE YOUR LINKS WOMAN! hahahaha....yeah that was random. But anyway, good luck with yellowknife.

~your bbf, helena

Zoey said...
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